Principal's Message

Dr. C. Emmy Prema, M.E., Ph.D
Dr. C. EMMY PREMA M.E., Ph.D. Principal of Bethlahem Institute of Engineering obtained her undergraduate degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering from Manonmanium Sundaranar University. She has completed the postgraduate degree in Applied Electronics from Anna University, Chennai. She was awarded the Doctoral degree in the Faculty of Information and Communication from Anna University, Chennai. She has rich experience in teaching and sound knowledge in Image Processing, Medical Imaging, Machine Learning, etc. She serves as various capacities such as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, and made remarkable contributions in the field of teaching for the last 16 years. She is the doctoral committee member for Ph.D. scholars of Anna University Chennai. She has published more than 20 papers in reputed journals and more than 16 papers in national and international conferences. She is the recipient of various awards for her achievements. She received an “Appreciation Award for the Reviewers of 2018” from the Springer publication. She has been nominated as reviewer for various reputed journals. She has completed 9 online courses from National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) and many module courses from NITTR and also recognized as the “NPTEL discipline star” in July 2021, from NPTEL for the successful completion of online courses.